In today’s digital world, in some way or the other applications runs our life – from doing errands to paying taxes. Apps are the center of everything, and companies are always competing with each other to make the best app that people will use every day.
But making an app is not an easy thing do. You need to consider numerous factors before developing your software, such as tools, platforms, and resources. And as a developer, one of the hardest parts of making an app is finding the right programming language and framework.
Many well-known programming languages and frameworks are available online. Still, it’s almost impossible to find the one that will work best for your project. You may be trying to decide between PHP vs Python or between Flutter vs Ionic. If you are going to build a web app, let us introduce you to one of the best PHP frameworks, Laravel.
What is Laravel?
Laravel is a web app development framework with expressive and elegant syntax that makes the entire web development process faster, easier, and enjoyable for developers by eliminating all the pain points associated with handling complex PHP code.
Laravel framework was created by Taylor Otwell with the sole intention to help website developers make complex coding simple, faster, and better. Laravel was based upon Symfony components, but Laravel eases some of the commonly executed tasks like routing, authentication, sessions, caching, and others so that developers can focus on building business-related features of the app.
Reasons Why Laravel is the Best PHP Framework?
The following are some of the underlying reasons for answering the question, “Why Laravel is the best PHP Framework?”.
1. Great Security Elements
Within the framework of Laravel, security is placed as a top priority. It’s an important part of the database, and the framework ensures that security is integrated into your website’s architecture. The website also uses a hashed password to make sure that passwords are not saved in plain text.
So, every time a user logs into the system, the Bcrypt hashing algorithm is used to automatically create a token. This will help protect your website from illegal access. With its prepared SQL statements, Laravel also protects your database against injection attacks.
2. Object-Oriented Libraries and Eloquent ORM
Laravel’s pre-installed object-oriented library is one of the best elements of the PHP framework. These libraries have great features like the ability to reset passwords, keep track of active users, use encryption, protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), and more.
The Eloquent Object Relationship Mapping (ORM) of Laravel is another feature that helps you get data from your database faster. This feature makes it easier to set up the relationship between database objects that are linked to each other.
3. Artisan Commands
Artisan, Laravel’s command-line interface, is another reason why it’s the most popular PHP framework. Developers may use it to automate time-consuming and repetitive programming operations.
Developers can use this tool’s commands to make MVC files and manage how data is set up. It uses a powerful Symfony Console component to build the application and help in data migration and management.
4. Database Migration
The fact that Laravel Framework makes database migration simple is what makes it the best PHP framework. Eloquent makes sure that databases like SQL Server and MySQL work well together. It also allows a seamless transition when switching databases by altering Laravel configuration information.
The Artisan Console can also help with asset packaging and database migrations and seeding. Users cannot create code skeletons with this functionality enabled. Also, it is easy and comfortable for users to move code.
5. MVC Support
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) web architecture paradigm is included with the Laravel Framework. It’s simple to use and ideal for starting a small company or developing a large application. When working on a PHP project, you’re frequently dealing with unstructured code. MVC can assist you with organizing a large project including more than five files. It streamlines your code structure to make it easier to maintain.
Furthermore, MVC support makes it simpler for developers to locate files in logical directories. With this, developers can manage how their app works after it has been deployed. It also helps them figure out how to solve problems in a structured way.
6. Task Management and Scheduling
When making an app, time is often spent on certain tasks. These tasks need to be put off sometimes so they don’t slow down the development process. Sending out a weekly newsletter to everyone who has signed up is a great example of this.
This is because Laravel offers a single application programming interface (API) that allows these tasks to be deferred until later in the application development process. The Command Schedule module in Laravel offers a simple API scheduler for a variety of operations. You don’t need to use SSH to connect to your machine’s terminal, and all of these scheduled tasks are part of your code.
7. Automatic Packaging System
Businesses need application packaging when they give the software to users. It lets programmers send the program to all users, no matter what platform they use. A well-packaged application helps cut down on customer support and keep corporate standards.
Automatic Package Discovery is a feature in Laravel that helps users with their installation by providing an automatic package discovery option. It enables them to discover prospective package inclusions that they may wish to install and block undesired package features.
8. Blade Template Engine
When making a program, there are often tasks that need a template engine to deal with a lot of textual data in the program. The template engine connects the data model to the source template code, runs the code, and sends the results to a certain stream or text file. Blade Templating Engine is a lightweight yet strong pre-installed template engine in Laravel that aids developers in making the development process go smoothly by providing excellent layouts.
Blade Templating Engine gives its structure so that a file with conditional statements and loops can be written and viewed. It also shows data and expands designs without degrading the program’s speed or performance. Its highlighted content seeding may also help developers construct an inventive and distinctive layout.
9. Efficient Testing Features
Unit tests are an important part of the development process because they make sure that all of the code meets quality standards before it can be deployed. PHPUnit is a unit testing package for PHP that can be used with Laravel features to run unit tests. With its out-of-the-box testing functionality, Laravel makes it easy to run a unit test.
The framework checks its Feature and Unit folders when the phpunit.xml file is ready for unit testing. This feature includes tests that identify and prevent framework regressions. The above-mentioned Artisan Command-line Utility may be used to run the unit tests. Programmers may be regularly unit tested and observed, which is essential for software quality control.
With Laravel, developers can also make their test methods based on the needs of the application. They are free to change any of the functions that can make unit tests easier or more complicated. Laravel can get rid of time-consuming unit tests and make high-quality PHP apps that don’t have any bugs.
10. Laravel is Completely Open Source
The most significant characteristic that makes Laravel the best PHP framework is open-source and completely free. To add up, the framework offers the following benefits to its users such as:
- Dedicated Laravel Developer Community: Laravel blog, certification, and Laracasts forum
- New plugins and modules are released
- More room for customization and modification
- Available resources and tutorials online
Developers tend to choose Laravel over other frameworks for its excellent features and strong community that supports and improves the framework and continuously upgrades it.
To sum it up, Laravel is a powerful and flexible framework for building online applications. This framework is practical, versatile, and provides tremendous prospects for streamlining the application development process.
Laravel’s unique features, such as MVC pattern support, ORM implementation, and the Artisan Command-Line, provide developers with an out-of-the-box solution to difficult and time-consuming jobs.
If you are looking into using Laravel to develop your web apps, AppleTech offers a dedicated team of web developers that are talented and experienced. Check out our services page for more information.