Inspection App


Inspection App


  • Inspectors from various contracted agencies are required to conduct farm inspections.
  • Inspectors verify that the Drip Irrigation Grants awarded to the farmers are “rightly used”.


  • Lack of tracking and control with farm inspections.
  • No proof that the inspector actually visited the farm.
  • Farmers and Inspectors got into non-compliant corrupt practices.
  • Too much paperwork to carry to farms.


Android application developed for an agricultural inspection agency. A field inspector conducts online audit and upload real-time data/photos to the server. The app fetches Geo-coordinates of an inspector to identify field location. During poor internet connectivity, data is stored in the app (offline mode) and immediately synchronized on data/internet connectivity.


  • QR-Code based scanning to open the digital form that is unique for each inspection.
  • Geo-tagged photographs to ensure that the inspector visited the location.
  • Special checks to ensure that only authorized devices can use the app and submit data.
  • Offline mode allows the app to work for remote locations.


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January 24, 2019