Taylor’D Litigation Form Test Home / Taylor’D Litigation Name Email Address City Postal Code Province Work Phone Home Phone Fax Cell Matter Type Real Property Litigation (incl Loan Defaults)Commercial LitigationProduct Liability LitigationOther (Explain Below) If you selected other, tell us more Name of Opposing Party (for conflict check purposes) Preferred mode of communicating Phone CallEmailScheduled Office MeetingVirtual e.g. Zoom, Teams, etc If you were referred let us know by whom so we can thank them What's Your Birthday? We want to celebrate with you Share a Fun Fact or anything you'd like us to know about you as a person What's Your Fav Drink Order? Timmy's Double Double, Tried & trueStarbucks Venti 2-Pump Oat/Almond Milk MochaGive me Tea any dayBlack Drip - No bull$hit hereCaffeine? I Don't touch the stuff IDENTITY VERIFICATION: Please note that we only accept the following identity documents: driver's license, birth certificate, and passport. Credit cards with a name are eligible for use as outlined by the Law Society of Ontario, so please note that we may have to ask for alternatives if a credit card is provided. Uploaded ID images must contain both front and back sides and must be valid/current. Identity Document 1 Name on ID 1 Expiration Date Identity Document 2 Name on ID 2 Expiration Date If you are Incorporated, please upload your Articles of Incorporation Send your message